An Umbrella of Protection from Flood Associated Loss
When flood damage rains, it pours. Florida natives are well aware of the extensive loss flooding produces, and recognize the importance of proactively planning for the worst case scenario. Regardless of if you have escaped hurricane damage in the past, exposure to risk remains just one natural disaster away.
At King Risk Partners, we focus on developing comprehensive flood insurance strategies for clients – from the Florida coast to inland communities. Our agents partner with a selection of reliable insurance carriers to assist in the preparation and disaster response procedure.

Flood Insurance Coverage Details
Flooding, specifically resulting from hurricanes, can conclude in catastrophic loss. However, flood insurance can contribute to the rebuilding efforts of your home or business. Our agents are equipped with extensive expertise relevant to flood insurance and can help clients navigate the variety of coverages available to secure adequate, affordable protection.
Floods can happen anywhere; however, some locations have a heightened risk of damage. A common misconception exists that low to moderate-risk areas do not require full flood insurance coverage. However, the fact remains, particularly in Florida, that any home, business, or property can be vulnerable to flooding. Whether you’re required by federal mandates or choose to opt in to securing assets, the flood insurance program we institute can be tailored to your needs.
At King Risk Partners, we can store your flood insurance policy with the same carrier that houses your homeowners or business owners insurance policy. A benefit from this option includes higher coverage limits than traditionally offered through federal programs, such as the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) associated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
To gain a better understanding of the options available, contact an agent at your convenience.
Agents Experienced in Disaster Preparation
Our agency strives to offer more efficient services than traditional insurance agencies. We have a digitally-focused mindset, with the opportunity for documentation to be signed electronically via computer, phone, or tablet. This streamlined service extends to our flood insurance program.
To establish an umbrella of flood insurance protection, please request a quote.
At King Risk Partners, we’re proud to provide flood insurance to our clients. We’re licensed to serve many states across the Eastern and Southeastern regions of the United States.